Recently, several members have had difficulty making dues payments online because they have failed to enter (or entered inaccurately) their address or zip code in the payment process. Please be advised that, as a security measure against fraudulent use of credit cards, it is necessary that your address, as entered by you, match what your credit card company thinks is your address. If your street number or name, or your five digit zip code is different from what your card company thinks it is, your transaction will be denied.

Please enter your data carefully and fully when paying online. Doing so makes things easier all the way around for everyone!

Mark Klusmeier, Membership Chair



When:           Sunday, January 12, 2025          1000 hrs. to 1200 hrs.

Where:         FSA Pistol Range (sign-ups in main clubhouse)

Cost:              Fifteen dollars ($ 15.00) for one shoot. Two shoots will be twenty-five dollars ($ 25.00 ). Exact change appreciated.

Every participant will receive a fifty round box of 9MM ammunition; if signing up twice, participant will receive two boxes of 9MM ammunition.

Shooters may use any caliber handgun, rim fire or centerfire holding a minimum of six (6) rounds.

Shooting instructions:  On command, load handgun.  Shooter stands low ready with handgun barrel resting on table.  On command, shooter from a standing position, brings handgun to a firing position, disengages the safety and fires 6 rounds.  After firing, shooter makes the semi -auto firearm safe; slide locked back, chamber empty and magazine removed. Revolvers will be rendered safe by opening the cylinder and ejecting any casings.  After making handgun safe, place it on the table pointed downrange and step back.

Alibi: None

Course of Fire:  Total round count: 36.

Stage #1        5 yards          6 rounds       30 seconds   Strong hand with support

Stage 1 B.     5 yards          6 rounds       30 seconds   Strong hand with support

Stage #2        10 yards        12 rounds     50 seconds   Strong hand with support

Stage #3        15 yards        12 rounds     50 seconds   Strong hand with support

Information: Eye and hearing protection are mandatory.

This is an open shoot; non-members are welcome to participate.

Questions et cetera, contact via email Pistol Section Leader David W. Voss ( or Range Officer Steve Spencer (Spencer.S@Fuse.Net)