Monday Night Adult Smallbore Rifle League

Matches begin at 6 pm.  Set up and sign-in starts at 5pm.  (Note: Memorial Day and Labor Day have different times)

50 yard matches will take place on the right side of the Ristol Range. 100 yard matches will take place on the Rifle Range. Please note the qualification requirements for shooting at 100 yards with this league. Also note that NO benchrest shooting will be allowed at 100 yards as the prone shooters will be in front of the wall which puts them down range of the benches.

April 1– 50 yard (with instruction for new shooters)

April 8–50 yard (with instruction for new shooters)

April 15–50 yard (with instruction for new shooters)

April 22–50 yard (with instruction for new shooters)

April 29–100 yard PRONE ONLY (Qualification requirements: MUST prove ability to keep shots in the black at 50 yards per match director OR have a VALID NRA smallbore or highpower qualification card to present to match director–Your qualification to shoot 100 yards is at the match director’s discretion.)

May 6–50 yard Prone

May 13–50 yard 4-Position (4-P) OR Prone (shooter’s choice)

May 20–50 yard 4-P or Prone

May 27 (Memorial Day)–100 yard PRONE (see 100 yard qualification requirements above) (EARLY START TIME: 9:45 shooting time, sign in starts 9am)

June 3–50 yard Prone

June 10–50 yard 4-P or Prone

June 17–50 yard 4-P or Prone

June 24–50 yard 4-P or Prone

July 1–50 yard 4-P or Prone

July 8–100 yard PRONE (see 100 yard qualification requirements above)

July 15–50 yard Prone

July 22–50 yard 4-P or Prone

July 29–100 yard PRONE (see 100 yard qualification requirements above)

August 5–50 yards Prone

August 12–50 yard 4-P or Prone

August 19–100 yard PRONE (see 100 yard qualification requirements above)

August 26–50 yards Prone

September 2 (Labor Day)–100 yard PRONE (see 100 yard qualification requirements above) (EARLY START TIME: 9:45 shooting time, sign in starts 9am)

Please contact Match Director with any questions.

Match Director: Jon Beyer  (513)-661-8929

Hot Shots

FSA has an exciting 2024 Youth Shooting Sports Program. From April to October youth have the opportunity to participate in either FSA’s archery, 4-position Smallbore Rifle program or shotgun (Skeet or Trap) program.  FSA’s Youth Shooting Sports Program is open to all youth ages 8 to 18 (male or female) and does not require club membership, so invite your friends. We’ll meet at FSA the second Saturday each month from 9:00 to 12:00 for instruction and practice.  For youth desiring to become more serious, Hot Shots is an entry point for the FSA Air Rifle Team and SCTP Lead Slingers Shotgun teams.  Hot Shots is an opportunity for youth who want to shoot for pleasure or work toward shooting competitively. In the Hot Shots Program they will progress through the NRA Winchester Marksmanship Program earning awards as they go.

Our archery program available for youth up to 18 years old. The youth should have the physical strength to pull back a 25 pound bow and the mental and emotional maturity to participate in a coached sport. FSA will provide bows, arrows, and eye protection.

4-Position Smallbore Rifle-
Youth 8 to 18 years of age will receive instruction on shooting from 4 positions (prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing) a .22 caliber target rifle utilizing a sling. They will start shooting off sand bags in the prone position. As competency increases, the marksmen move to higher (more difficult) positions.  We’ll follow the NRA 4-position small bore program guidelines.  FSA will provide rifles, ammo, targets, ear protection, and eye protection.  The youth will need to bring to each practice: a pad, yoga mat, or piece of carpet to lie on.

The shotgun program is open to youth up to 18 years of age.  The youth should be approximately 100 lbs. and have the physical strength to handle a shotgun and the mental and emotional maturity to participate in a team sport. Youth will be introduced to Trap or Skeet disciplines and will receive instruction to develop shotgun shooting skills. FSA will provide shotguns, ammo, ear and eye protection, and targets.

For 2024 we plan to have registration on April 13th. At this time we’re not limiting the number of youth
participants.  We will conduct NRA First Steps Rifle and Shotgun Certification training on April 13 th.  First Steps will be mandatory for all youth joining Hot Shots for the first time and recommended for parents.

The cost to participate is $30 per shooting youth for the summer (cash or check).  The fee offsets a small portion of FSA’s cost of targets, ear and eye protection, ammunition, NRA First Steps packet, and awards.

Next Steps:
We will have a meeting on April 13th at 8:30 A.M. in the FSA Education Building to review programs,
equipment needs, answer questions, and register youth which will be followed by First Steps Safety Training.

If in the meantime if you’d like additional information please feel free to email Brian Ferneding

April 13   First Steps Training and Sign Ups
May 11    Hot Shots Practice
June 8    Hot Shots Practice
July 13   Hot Shots Practice
Aug 10   Hot Shots Practice
Sep 14   Hot Shots Practice
Oct 12   Hot Shots Practice and Pizza Party with Awards

Friday Night Trap starts March 22nd.

Shooting hours 5 PM to 8 PM…. last squad out at 7 30 PM

Trap league make ups and shooting ahead available on Fridays along with practice.

Pro Shop open on Friday during those hours.

If the weather is bad watch the website for closures.

Any question see Lena during the Tuesday Night trap league hours..